From March 21st to 31st 2019 : free, online & in 4 languages
2019 : Together for more joy, love & peace
38 exclusive conferences & interviews  
Treat yourself to a new life 
& let a new world arise:
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What you will learn with these conferences:
  •  Trust: Enter within the trustfullness... within yourself, within others and within life.
  •  Power: Receive the STRENGTH to accomplish your dreams.
  • Serenity: Uncover the secrets to inner PEACE. Live your life stress-free.
  •  Joy: Treat yourself to a sparkling, JOYFUL and light life.
  •  Deep understanding: Who are you, truly? What is the deep meaninf of life? How do you function? Discover some answers...
  •  The union: Do you feel a sense of family with thousands of beings who, like yourself, search and aspire to a radiant, serene and sparkling life.
  • Altogether: Let's get together to create an echo of consciousness on the entire planet. 
book your spot!
* 38 free online conferences >>>
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38 Experts Sommet de la Conscience 2019
book your spot!
 38 inspiring online conferences!
   10 days full of surprises, gifts and transformation!
  A unique event that had already inspired more than 200.000 conscious minds in 2018!
The Consciousness Summit has existed for 7 years to awaken the hearts and the conscious minds. The experts of this new edition expect you to help you transform your life for the better... 

It's an honor, a priviledge and a great joy to contribute to your awakening and pay our tribute for a better world.

With love,
Ana Sandrea
Copyright © 2018-2020 - Le Sommet de la Conscience